Online Application

Our usual in person rush process, as seen on our Get Involved page, is not very feasible for those not living in the Boston area already. We have a different process we usually use for exchange students and other people who aren't able to hang around pika in person prior to receiving a bid.

So here is how the virtual rush process works: You answer the questions listed below (please list the questions alongside your answers - thank you!) and send your response (.txt or .pdf preferred for written responses so people across platforms can read it, but we also accept audio or video responses if that's easier for you!) to the rush chairs ( We will then coordinate a 1-1 interview with a pikan so we can get to know each other better! If you can come in person to dinner or a social event though, we would highly encourage you to!

Part 1: The Basic Stuff

  1. Name
  2. How would you like us to address you (nickname and/or pronouns)?
  3. E-mail address
  4. Are you a current MIT student? (If not, where do you go and how long will you be at MIT?)
  5. How far along in your studies are you?
  6. What are you studying?
  7. Why is pika a good fit for you?
  8. What excites you the most about communal living?
  9. House maintenance and upkeep, including cooking/cleaning/fixing things/miscellaneous, are largely run by pikans themselves. All pikans are expected to participate in:
    • semesterly work weekends (2-4 days dedicated to deep cleaning and larger house projects)
    • cooking or cleaning in the kitchen once per week
    • an hour of chores per week (as part of Sunday House Improvement Time Space a.k.a. SHITS duty)
    • generally keeping all common spaces clean and free of clutter i.e. cleaning up after any mess you create in common spaces
    Pikans who are elected to certain positions (e.g. house manager, treasurer and steward) are exempt from SHITS and kitchen duty. How would you feel about both living in such a house and regularly contributing to some flavor of chore?
  10. Describe yourself to a potential roommate. (Note that pika has traditionally been mostly doubles.)

Part 2: Commmunity Cultivation

pika values the cultivation of a community of people with diverse cultures, economic backgrounds, ethnicities, intellectual & political stances, religious beliefs, and sexual & gender identities. The questions in this section are about this:

  1. Describe your view on the importance of fostering an inclusive environment in pika. This question is intentionally open-ended and we encourage a wide interpretation of inclusivity.
  2. Self reflect on a time when you realized your actions or biases were excluding someone or some people from a space and how you changed. How would you bring these learnings to creating an inclusive environment in pika?
  3. Are there any accessibility needs that you have for the rush process and/or to live in the house (e.g. disabilities, allergies, having pets)? (optional) Note: This question will only be used to help assist you as much as possible and you can email the rush chairs separately if you do not want your answers shared with the whole house.

Part 3: Getting to know you better

  1. We like food! Do you have any cooking/cleaning stories? Or a yummy dish to share?
  2. We like our house! Tell us about a favorite room/corner/spot in a dorm/apartment/house/tree/backpack that you have lived in.
  3. When is it acceptable to break a social norm? When is it unacceptable? Feel free to provide examples.
  4. What is the kindest thing someone could do for you?
  5. Tell us about a time in the past that you have engaged with a person with whom you have had significant differences of opinion (political/moral/ethical, not your favorite food).
  6. What is one of the most fun / most adventurous things that you've done?
  7. What are two things that you are passionate about (academic or otherwise)?
  8. Do you have any questions for us?